Switch between open projects: CMD-` (Window.To open an IDEA project, open the project root directory (e.g., directory with a. You can open any file or directory, so you can actually use IntelliJ as a general-purpose text editor. Note: for many commands, especially “switching” commands, adding a SHIFT reverses the direction. Here are some shortcuts that I commit to memory. The more you keep your fingers on the keyboard, the faster you’ll be. Keymap (Note: these are macOS-specific.).Check “Surround selection on typing quote or brace”.Uncheck “Insert paired brackets (),, ”.Check “Ensure line feed at end of file on save”.Uncheck “Always keep trailing spaces on caret line”.You’ll get an email within a few minutes with instructions on downloading the products in their “Product Pack for Students.” The easiest way is to visit JetBrains’s student license page, click “APPLY NOW” and use your university email address. As a student or faculty member, you can get all of JetBrains’s products free.

In the second half of CS1331 we will use IntelliJ so that you’ll be prepared to hit the ground running in your next courses or internships. We also use IntelliJ in CS1332 and CS2340. Almost all professional Java development teams use IntelliJ IDEA, an IDE (integrated development environment) for Java and other JVM languages.